Thursday, October 13, 2011

Visual Perception 2/Feature Hierarchy

The GE Wattstation by fuseproject is an attempt to make electric cars more publicly accessible to new owners. Doubling as a parking meter, this charger is planned to be brightly colored to differentiate it from normal ones, drawing attention to it. The design is trimmed down the charger to its bare functions: the plug itself and the coiled cord which is instantly visible. Upon looking at the device, we are greeted by a friendly interface with "Hello". This is indicated to be a touch screen button by its bright outline. Instead of having many features which draw your attention away from the primary function, this charger makes the process as simple as possible by presenting the users with very few visual elements, besides the necessary intuitive ones. This is a departure from previous chargers, which could provide the user with too much information, or too many charging options. By restricting it to its basic functions, it focuses the user on the essentials, which are all lined up on top of one another to be located intuitively.

The Wattstation will be planted in a few test locations around San Francisco next year.

By Yves Behar and fuseproject Design.

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